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What Is The Difference B/w Start Browse and Sequential read

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:05 pm
by RaviTejaG
What Is The Difference Between start Browse and Sequential read in CICS both will do same work .So, what is need of new command like startbr.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:16 pm
by dbzTHEdinosauer
they are not he same.
look them up in the manual.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:06 pm
by Natarajan
my .2 cents.

STARTBR , READNEXT, READPREV, ENDBR command are to browse the file from starting or from a postion in the file to till end of the file.. we can read the file in reverse way also.

I dont know, about other sequential read in CICS. what is the other method.. you are saying sequential read in CICS.

Yes, we can read the records using CICS READ command for particular key. But that will come under randome read.

do let me know, what is that sequentail read other than START BROWSE

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:10 am
by Phydeux
The STARTBR command only affects the dataset pointer. It's used specifically to set the dataset pointer just before a specific record based on the key parameters.

The READNEXT/READPREV commands retrieve the record either after or before the pointer based on the command. After a successful read the dataset pointer is moved 1 record in that direction (if possible). If the pointer is at the beginning of the dataset and a READPREV is issued it will return and EOF response.

Once you are done reading the file in this manner your must issue a ENDBR, otherwise you cannot do any new STARTBR or dynamic reads.

This is the only way to do sequential reads within the CICS environment.